Babylon Shuttle Bus – Mobile Utopia Research Unit

At Fusion Festival 2013 Babylon Shuttle Bus will be operating as a time machine that transports its crew of colourful researchers straight from the building site of the fallen Babel Tower to Fusion Festival. In spite of the total collapse of the Tower of Babel the crew is still determined to continue their impossible quest for Utopia, believing they can realize an ideal society – a paradise on Earth. Seeking help and inspiration they will involve the festival goers in their mission: impromptu manifestos and creative experiments will feed into a communal process in which the utopian potential of the festival is to be scrutinized in the attempt to stimulate visions for an ideal future society.
Performers: J&K, Nefer Jørgensen, Katrine Godsbøll Jørgensen, Linards Kulless, Mika Kokkonen, Mona Kokkonen, Gea Mey Williams, Hannah Birch Munck, Sif Birch Munch, Christoph Mühlau, Cosmo Roitmann, Philip Roitmann, Mette Schwarz, James Williams, Clemens Williams, Polly Williams.